
Marvin is the ship's robot on the starship Heart of Gold. He is a fine example of Sirius Cybernetics Corporation's 'Genuine People Personalities' technology. He is very, very depressed about this. He has a brain the size of a planet, yet is rarely given the chance to use it. Mostly he finds himself waiting several million years to park cars for an exclusive restaurant, staying on space ships being driven into the hearts of suns so that he can manually work the teleport to save everyone else on board, being dropped several miles on to solid rock, and being left to defend himself against awesome military technology. He finds none of these things enjoyable. Thanks to time travel, he is now a couple of times older than the universe itself, something else he finds depressingly tedious.

I won't enjoy it.
- Marvin, the Paranoid Android

Well I wish you'd just tell me rather than try to engage my enthusiasm.
- Marvin, the Paranoid Android

I think you ought to know I'm feeling very depressed.
- Marvin, the Paranoid Android

Why should I want to make anything up? Life's bad enough as it is without wanting to invent anymore of it.
- Marvin, the Paranoid Android

Life! Don't talk to me about life.
- Marvin, the Paranoid Android

Life, loathe it or ignore it, you can't like it.
- Marvin, the Paranoid Android

It gives me a headache just trying to think down to your level.
- Marvin, the Paranoid Android

It doesn't take me long to get nothing done.
- Marvin, the Paranoid Android

Wearily on I go, pain and misery my only companions. And vast intelligence, of course. And infinite sorrow. I despise you all.
- Marvin, the Paranoid Android

I'm bored.
- Marvin, the Paranoid Android


Marvin the Paranoid Android

Name: Marvin

Age: Aeons

Birthday: Unknown

Class: Robot

Occupation: Servant

Location: Travels the universe, but did spend a few millions years working in a carpark on Magrathea

Abilities: Brain the size of a planet

Aliases: Your Plastic Pal Who's Fun To Be With; The Paranoid Android

My Photos


Zaphod Beeblebrox

Trillian Astra

Ford Prefect

Arthur Dent

My favorite songs

  1. 1.Marvin's hit single

  2. 2.Marvin's hit single that wasn’t quite as big as his other hit single

  3. 3.Marvin's lullaby

My favorite links

  1. Marvin's page

  2. MarvinCam

  3. Schematic Diagram of Marvin

  4. BBC Marvin Page