Illustrated Guides to Places of Interest
In addition to the 31 books in the series the publisher issued with most of these volumes a 32 page A5 sized companion booklet called ‘An illustrated guide to places of interest’. Each booklet had descriptions of places of significance mentioned in the text of the main book accompanied by black and white photographs.
Most of the series books appear to have had one of these guides. I have verified that at least the following 25 illustrated guides were published.
Alfred The Great
William I
Richard I
King John
Edward II
Edward III
Henry V
Richard III
Henry VII
Henry VIII
Mary Tudor
Elizabeth I
James IV & I
Charles I
Charles II
James II
William & Mary
Queen Anne
George I
George III
George IV
Edward VII
George V
George VI
Absent from this list are:
The Saxon Kings
The Normans Kings
Edward I
Edward II
Richard II
Edward IV